What’s your passion? What are you passionate about? What brings you so much joy that you can spend hours upon hours doing? Passion I believe is something you can while away your day with and not realize that the time is passing by. I love books, reading and getting stuck into them – I also love spending time with people I love, I get so in the moment with them, I don’t check my watch. This can be quite stressful when I realize that I should actually be leaving to be somewhere else, like taking my daughter to her calisthenics class or my son to his basketball game.
Cooking on the other hand is definitely not my passion! I just can’t see the sense in spending hours in the kitchen cooking up a storm and then eat it all within much less time and to finish off having to clean the kitchen up. Plus I often forget ingredients or go off into another room and forget about the cooking…. (my family has many stories about my cooking skills!). Okay, okay, I hear the loud protests from all the master chefs as they read this.
Yesterday I had the privilege of connecting with a 25-fold (perhaps even more) internationally published author - Horst Blaich. He regularly publishes family newsletters and is in the midst of writing his and his wife’s life story. He happens to be a friend’s father, so very time I see Horst, we get talking about our writing experiences. Yesterday he told me about how his decades-old archive of writing materials, photographs and more that went up in smoke a little while back, which was devastating not to say the least. He has since been in the painstaking process of salvaging the remains and re-organizing it. What does all this have to do with passion? Whilst Horst was talking to me, I noticed all of a sudden (especially when he showed me his books and the room where he keeps everything), that his voice changed. I notice how his eyes lit up. He was so excited and animated – I realized that he was very, very passionate about his writing. This was a very profound discovery for me, as I sometimes doubt my passions. He told me that he often wakes up in the middle of the night to spend his time writing. In fact I believe he spends most of his time writing, researching, formatting and everything that goes with it. Simply pure passion, that is at times seen as an obsession by outsiders.
A lot of his writing is about family, family history. Your passion is closely aligned with your values in life. So for Horst, one of his top values would be ‘family’. What are you passionate about? What are your values? How are they aligned? You should discover similarities between your passions and values.
I’d love to know what you are passionate about – and if they are aligned to your values….. If you don’t know how to discover your passions or aren’t sure what you absolutely love doing (some people aren’t sure), let me know. Simply respond in the comment box below. I can point you in the right direction. In fact, I talk more extensively about passions and how to figure them out in my book, From Misery to Mastery – Journey to Freedom and Empowerment.’
For now, I would like to wish you a safe and joyous festive season! make the best of the last few days of 2015 by reflecting, rejuvenating and re-focusing.
As always
With love and blessings,