It is true that flitting between jobs, managing jobs, running a business, struggling with finances, parenting duties, cook’s role, taxi driver’s role, a loving wife or husband can be quite tiring. Same applies if you are a student, a part-time worker, an interesting girl- or boyfriend and a committed family member. This tends to alter our moods and the stress of juggling shows up in our face all the time. A constant frown, forgetting to smile, bitten lips and grimaced expressions are worsened with some cursing under the breath and an occasional snapping at those around us, on purely unreasonable grounds.
Have you ever seen the clowns who juggle away hours at times giving a sour face? Usually, they are there with their big grins, pasted right across their faces. Ok, I know that is just the painted smile. But would it not add to our own pride, if we do all the juggling in life and still manage to stay cool and smile?
This is where the secret to balance comes to into play. Here are a few things I have learnt while juggling many roles as a mother, a business woman, a teacher, a housewife (or domestic systems manager as a dear friend calls it), a school principal, a spiritual advisor, a business consultant, a taxi driver (for my family) a loving daughter, a good companion, a community worker, a great friend and everything else surrounding my life!
You must plan your juggling well! It is a synchronized process and there is order in the chaos. If you learn to find that order and the ability to instill some systematic process into the disoriented, unruly schedules, you are bound to get the majority of it done, and be quite cool and calm while you go about it.
A must have in a busy juggler’s life is 'a things to do' note book. It can be on your mobile device, your I-Pad or in a simple small pocket note book. Write down the things to do for the day and the things in the week and if you can plan the scheduled tasks for the months ahead, you will be in control at least 50% of your juggling tasks.
Other things might pop out of nowhere but just knowing the monthly work schedule, you have already attended to many ahead of time. This might be as simple as using one single trip to a particular place to do several things or buying things for the whole month that can be stored without perishing. Remember, juggling is all about managing your time and resources effectively. You will juggle your time, your strength and stamina, your emotions and your money. The better you get at the task, the more orderly your life will become because you will become a master of managing chaos.
For the clown who juggles with synchronized coordination for many years, the juggling is a natural act, as easy as breathing. Their hands will do the job even if they close their eyes and maybe, even if you don’t paint that smile on their face with bright paint, you may find them smiling while they juggle with so much ease.
So what might you take away from all this? Learn to juggle efficiently and effectively by planning and coordinating your moves. This will let you keep your calm and put a natural smile on your face!